
5 Strategies You Can Use to Select the 正确的 Engineering Major


工程专业是一门科学、数学以及一些商业原则和策略的跨学科研究. General engineering coursework teaches students how to:

  • Identify and find a solution to problems
  • Understand ethical and professional responsibilities
  • 设计和进行实验
  • 有效沟通


As an engineer, you must adopt a career-long commitment to learning. There will always be new products and developments, new problem-solving methods or techniques, and new technologies that benefit career advancement.

Engineering is the “E” in the term STEM. (Science, Technology, and Math round out the rest of the acronym.)所有这些领域都强调创新、批判性思维能力和解决问题的能力. If you have strong skills in these areas, engineering is a great career path to consider, but you’ll still need to choose a major. 如果你不确定哪个工程专业适合你, let’s take a look at how you can determine which is right for you.

  1. Speak to an Engineering Professional

With so many concentrations to choose from, it can be difficult to narrow your choice down to just one or two. 如果你和已经在这个领域的人交谈,你可能会轻松一些. After all, who knows more about engineering than, well, an engineer. 也许你的朋友和家人中有人是工程专业人士. They could be the ideal candidate to field your questions. 如果没有,也许有朋友或家人在雇佣工程师的公司工作. 你也可以联系a professional engineering society or local employers to arrange to interview one of their professionals.

当地手机买球app或大学的工程学教授也可以回答你的问题. 理想情况下,你想和你计划就读的大学的教授交谈,但这不是必须的. College professors are accustomed to answering students’ questions, 所以,不要犹豫,伸出援手吧, 预约, and ask them any questions you might have.

  1. 做研究

你需要尽早决定你想要追求哪个工程专业. 可以转换,但这样做可能意味着你需要额外的课程,这将推迟你的毕业日期. 开始研究不同类型的工程专业,以避免这种潜在的问题.

列出你最感兴趣或最有天赋的工程专业类型. 然后上网做一些研究,看看这些浓度是否适合你.

Here are a few resources to get you started:

As you read through the information in the above links, 你可能会被介绍到你甚至不知道的工程领域.

As part of your research, look at:

  • Classes different majors are required to take
  • Skills they’re required to learn
  • 平均薪资
  • Type of jobs the various concentrations enable them to pursue

有了这些信息, 这样你就能更好地确定某一专业是否与你的职业目标和个人兴趣相符.

  1. Find Jobs That Align with the Concentrations You’re Interested In

You’ll spend a great portion of your life working. 因此, 找到合适的工程专业——一个你真正喜欢的,能让你完成上帝旨意的专业——是至关重要的. 经常, 你的兴趣会引导你选择一个能让你追求神对你人生目标的职业.

出于这个原因, many individuals gravitate towards one engineering niche over another, 尽管许多类型的工程学位所要求的技能有一点重叠. Maybe you want to improve people’s lives and are interested in the safety, design and manufacture of prosthetics. Or perhaps you’re passionate about 设计和建造机器人. Or maybe you’re concerned about the health of our planet and want to make it a safer place to live. 不同的兴趣和工程专业与不同的工程专业相关.

  1. Review the Classes You Will Need to Take for Each Concentration

If you know the school or schools you intend to attend, 拿一份课程目录,看看你感兴趣的各种工程专业的教学大纲. 你能看到自己喜欢这些课程,并乐于学习在某个工程专业从事职业所必需的技能吗?

Consider the required electives and courses. 阅读课程简介. Next, imagine taking the required coursework. 你能想象自己获得知识并享受学习的过程吗?


  1. 和你的导师谈谈

与你的学术顾问安排一次会面是你选择专业时最重要的步骤之一. 顾问可以提供洞察力和智慧,帮助您确定哪个工程专业适合您.

带着你想问学术顾问的问题来参加你的会议. 他们可能和你在一起的时间有限,这将有助于充分利用这段时间.

Pursuing an Engineering Degree at Geneva

Choosing the right engineering concentration can be scary. You want to make sure you make the right decision. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be so scary. 如果你还没有决定专业,这些步骤将帮助你确定哪个专业适合你. 和, if you change your mind later for whatever reason, many classes within engineering concentrations overlap. 因此,完成的课程仍然可以应用于新的工程专业.

手机买球app是全国15所基督教手机买球app和大学委员会提供abet认证的工程课程之一. Providing students with an academic edge and a competitive career, 手机买球app可能是宾夕法尼亚州最好的工程手机买球app,它的好处如下:

  • 学生在政府和工业组织工作的项目
  • Participation in national competitions
  • A fantastic record of job placements for our graduates


手机买球app提供很多 concentrations covering a broad range of interests. 了解手机买球app手机买球app如何帮助您实现职业目标的更多信息, 手机买球app:855-979-5563或 web@sysjiaoyou.com.

手机买球app博客中表达的观点是其作者的观点,并不一定代表手机买球app的观点或官方立场. 手机买球app博客是教师和撰稿人表达观点的地方, 学术见解, and contribute to national 谈话s to spark thought, 谈话, 以及对真理的追求, in line with our philosophy as a Christian, 文科院校.



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