Center for Faith & Life | Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA-手机买球app

Center for Faith & Life

Geneva Tuition Promise Pro Christo et Patria

Sharing the Heart of Geneva College

手机买球app确认旧约圣经和新约圣经都是神的话, given by inspiration of God, and are the only infallible rule for faith and life.

The mission of The Center for Faith & 生活是让每一个学术专业的学生都能以圣经的观点看待生活和世界,进入市场.






Teach and emphasize the coherence of all wisdom and Knowledge in Christ

Key Initiatives

Service to Mission-Aligned Learning Communities

Providing programs to mentor and support future students

Thought Leadership

Training and developing Geneva Faculty & Staff to be in the forefront of their fields as Christian thought leaders

Courageous Work
in the World


Geneva's Foundation for Biblical Integration

手机买球app相信,手机买球app的国家和教会迫切需要对信仰和生活的一致性有更深入的了解. 在教育中提供圣经基础有助于学生在生活的各个领域活出他们的信仰, 为手机买球app国家和全世界的社区带来活力和繁荣.

CFL Diagram © 2023 Calvin L. Troup, PhD, and Geneva College. All Rights Reserved.
Provost Melinda Stephens
信仰与生活中心将使手机买球app能够加强和分享长期以来一直是手机买球app学术项目基础的工作,为手机买球app的学生准备荣耀上帝和邻居的职业." Melinda Stephens '93, PhD, Provost

Center for Faith & Life Initiatives

  • all
  • Outreach
  • Prepare
  • Amplify

Closing The Gap

Preparing high school juniors and seniors for the college experience aheadView

Early College

高质量的指导,为高中生谁想要在他们的未来跳起来 View


Program to educate and provide resources for school counselors View

Honors Program

积极的学习者,在学术上、人际关系上和精神上相互支持和挑战 View

Calling and Career

帮助学生探索和发展所需的知识,追求他们的使命和生活的工作 View

Four Year Co-Curricular Plan

Calling and vocation programming that complements the academic curriculum View

Faculty Development Seminars

Intentional training for faculty View

Core Curriculum

Biblical education at the core of every major View

Works of Our Hands

Academic Partners student project presentations View

After High School

A one-day conference designed to prepare students for transition to college. View

CFL Leadership Team

Dr. Jeff Cole

Professor of History, Chair, Department of Core Studies

Dr. Melinda Stephens

Provost, Professor of Chemistry

Willem de Ruijter

VP of Marketing & Enrollment

Krista Autrey

Director of Center for Calling and Career

Jamie Swank

VP and Dean of Student Development

Center for Faith & Life Logo

Closing The Gap

“弥合差距”是一个旨在帮助高中三年级和四年级学生为未来的大学生活做准备的项目. Students work with college faculty, campus staff, 大学生和导师发展在大学里茁壮成长所必需的技能. This typically takes place over the course of two semesters: Fall and Spring

Early College

The cost of higher education rises each year. 降低学费的一个方法是在你还在读高中的时候就开始上大学.

手机买球app手机买球app的早期大学课程允许高中生与手机买球app教授一起在线或在校学习手机买球app课程,费用只占学费的一小部分. In addition, 手机买球app手机买球app与一些基督教学校合作,在这些学校提供由有资格指导大学水平课程的教师授课的课程.

Other Early College initiatives such as After High School: Your Transition to College帮助高中生理解呼召和培养自我照顾管理能力.

Fly-In/Drive In

Geneva College regularly hosts workshops on campus, 提供信息和资源,旨在准备和装备学校辅导员,因为他们指导学生在大学搜索. These events allow for idea sharing, networking, and, in some cases, opportunities to receive CEU credits toward ACSI Counselor certification. 每个活动还展示了手机买球app手机买球app及其提供的教育经验和专业.

Geneva Honors Program

手机买球app手机买球app荣誉课程为学生提供了通过深入挖掘大学经历来挑战自我的机会, 探索成为一名基督教学者意味着什么,并在学术生活的各个方面发现基督的主权.

这三个荣誉课程相互建立,为学生提供在大学期间取得进步的机会,同时更深入地了解信仰如何在他们选择的研究领域影响奖学金. 这些学生能够与教师和一群其他积极的学习者互动,他们将在学术上相互支持和挑战, relationally, and spiritually during their undergraduate career.

Calling & Career

The Center for Calling & Career assists students, as they prepare to leave Geneva, to follow the calling God has placed on their hearts. From developing resumes, preparing for job interviews, organizing campus career fairs, along with career assessments and more, 手机买球app确保手机买球app的学生将充满信心地从手机买球app的社区向前迈进, knowing that they are on the right path.

Calling and vocation programming that complements the academic curriculum


Clarke and Carson Faculty First-Year Seminar

手机买球app手机买球app的教育部建立在一位忠诚的基督教教授的基础上,他在手机买球app国王的统治下指导手机买球app的学习课程, the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word.

Our curriculum, 从基督教文科的核心到科学和专业的综合课程, 继续依赖于手机买球app的发展,作为一个更全面的工作理解,从创造之前的能力, 一切所积蓄的智慧和知识,在各样学问和训诲上,都是在基督里寻得的. That is, in every aspect of wisdom and knowledge available to humanity, the Truth of Christ is already integral.

Geneva's Core Curriculum


通过将主要研究领域与核心课程相结合,学生将学会将信仰与学习结合起来,并进行建设性和创造性的思考. 课程帮助学生看到上帝的设计在所有的事情,并鼓励全心全意的社区. 手机买球app的学生一起发现上帝在他们的研究领域对他们生活的呼召的引人注目的意义.

Works of Our Hands

手机买球app手机买球app的教育部建立在一位忠诚的基督教教授的基础上,他在手机买球app国王的统治下指导手机买球app的学习课程, the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word.

After High School: Your Transition to College

这个为期一天的会议旨在装备和授权学生忠实地进入大学,并引导一个潜在的压倒性的过渡. Students will explore central topics such as, What is Calling?, Integration of Faith and Learning, Self-Care and Stewardship, 和许多实际的考虑,挑战学生建立自己的生活在神的话语的基础上.

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